Legal Status
KPH Global logistics LTD is an incorporated company under the Companies Act (Act XVIII) of 1994, on 5th April 2016 in Joint Stock Companies & Firms, Bangladesh.
# Indenting Agents’ Association/ Association of Foreign Companies Agents in Bangladesh, Membership No: 9715
# Export Registration Certificate (ERC, Indenting Service) No:260326230031922 issued by the Office of the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports, Gov. of BD.
# Import registration Certificate (IRC) No: 260326111293220 issued by the Office of the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports, Gov. of BD.
# Small & Medium Enterprises Owners Association of BD, Membership no: 3002.
Banker’s name
Mercantile Bank Limited
Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka,
A young team consist of 10 staff members skilled in sales, maketing, customer service & management.