KPH Global Logistics ltd

A trusted Foreign Companies’ Agent in Bangladesh. We deal with Raw Cotton, Textile Yarns, Textile dyes & auxiliaries, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Raw Materials & Thermo Plastic Moulding Compounds, etc. We also export Potatoes.


Legal Status

KPH Global logistics LTD is an incorporated company under the Companies Act (Act XVIII) of 1994, on 5th April 2016 in Joint Stock Companies & Firms, Bangladesh.

# Indenting Agents’  Association/ Association of Foreign Companies Agents in Bangladesh, Membership No: 9715

# Export Registration Certificate (ERC, Indenting Service) No:260326230031922 issued by the Office of the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports, Gov. of BD.

# Import registration Certificate (IRC) No: 260326111293220 issued by the Office of the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports, Gov. of BD.

#  Small & Medium Enterprises Owners Association of BD, Membership no: 3002.

Banker’s name

Mercantile Bank Limited
Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka,


A young team consist of 10 staff members skilled in sales, maketing, customer service & management.

Email :

Phone: +880 1711 728 334